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Helm installation

If you have access to a Kubernetes cluster (preferably from a managed service like EKS, GKE, AKS, Rancher, etc), we recommend using Helm to perform the installation (or integrate it into a CI pipeline). SlackerNews will install completely inside a single namespace in the cluster, and does not require any cross-namespace permission.

The following steps are required to install SlackerNews into your Kubernetes cluster using Helm:

  1. Install Helm 3.8 or later on your local workstation.
  2. Install Krew to manage client-side only plugins to kubectl. Nothing here will be installed to your cluster.
  3. Log in to our Helm registry using the username and password provided:
helm registry login \ \
    --username <[email protected]> \
    --password <provided>

Run Preflight Checks

We publish a set of Preflight Checks that you can easily run to determine if your cluster and environment meet the minimum requirements to run SlackerNews:

Install the Preflight kubectl plugin and run our Preflight Checks:

kubectl krew install preflight
kubectl preflight oci://  

If there are errors or warnings reported, take a look and resolve the issue presented. If you need help, save the output of your preflights (press s), and email them to us to guidance.

Install SlackerNews

Finally, run the helm install command:

The command below includes a few optional parameters to make installation a little easier:


export SLACKERNEWS_CERT=`cat ./certificate.pem`
export SLACKERNEWS_KEY=`cat ./key.pem`

helm install --namespace slackernews --create-namespace  \
    slackernews \
    oci:// \
    --set postgres.deploy_postgres=true \
    --set postgres.enabled=true \
    --set postgres.password=password \
    --set slackernews.domain=<YOUR HOSTNAME> \
    --set service.tls.enabled=true \
    --set service.tls.cert="$SLACKERNEWS_CERT" \
    --set service.tls.key="$SLACKERNEWS_KEY" \
    --version 1.0.5

Chart configuration

The following values can be provided to the chart when installing. For more information on these parameters, see the advanced configuration docs.

Required and commonly used values


Key Default Description
postgres.deploy_postgres true When true, the required postgres database will be deployed in cluster. Set to false if you are running this on your own. We recommend using a managed service to run the database, and then the SlackerNews instance in your cluster will be stateless.
postgres.password Required when running postgres in the cluster only. This must be set to the password for the postgres database. When deploying postgres in-cluster, set to the value you want to use for the password
postgres.uri This is required when postgres.deploy_postgres is set to false. Set this to the psql:// conection string for your managed postgres service
postgres.existingSecretName Optionally set to the name of an existing Kubernetes secret (in the same namespace) that has the postgres secrets
postgres.existingSecretPasswordKey Optionally set to the key in the timscale.existingSecretName secret, contining the password (used when postgres.deploy_postgres is true)
postgres.existingSecretUriKey Optionally set to the key in the timscale.existingSecretName secret, contining the psql:// uri (used when postgres.deploy_postgres is false)


Key Default Description
slackernews.domain Set to the FQDN (fully qualified domain name) you will configure for this instance
service.tls.existingSecretName Set to an exiseting secret name that has the TLS key and cert (optional)
service.tls.existingSecretCertKey Set to the key in the existingSecretName for the cert
service.tls.existingSecretKeyKey Set to the key in the existingSecretName for the key
service.tls.cert Set to the value of a TLS cert
service.tls.key Set to the value of a TLS key
service.tls.enabled Set to true to enable TLS


Key Default Description
slack.clientId Set to the clientId from your Slack app. If not provided, you will be prompted to enter this in the application after installing.
slack.clientSecret Set to the clientSecret from your Slack app. If not provided, you will be prompted to enter this in the application after installing.
slack.botToken Set to the bot token from your Slack app (starts with xoxb-). If not provided, you will be prompted to enter this in the application after installing.
slack.userToken Set to the user token from your Slack app (starts with xoxp-). If not provided, you will be prompted to enter this in the application after installing.
slack.existingSecretName Optionally, set to the name of a secret that contains the Slack values.
slack.existingSecretBotTokenKey Optionally, set to the name of the key in the existingSecretName that contains the bot token for the Slack app.
slack.existingSecretUserTokenKey Optionally, set to the name of the key in the existingSecretName that contains the user token for the Slack app.
slack.existingSecretClientIdKey Optionally, set to the name of the key in the existingSecretName that contains the clientId for the Slack app.
slack.existingSecretClientSecretKey Optionally, set to the name of the key in the existingSecretName that contains the clientSecret for the Slack app.

Additional values

Key Default Description
images.slackernews.repository The container image (without the tag) to pull the SlackerNews Web image from
images.slackernews.pullPolicy IfNotPresent Image pull policy for the slackernews image
images.slackernews.pullSecret replicated The name of the image pull secret to use in the slackernews image